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Frequently Asked Questions about Vehicle Transport

You’ll no doubt have many questions about vehicle transport and moving cars.

On this page, we have listed some of the more frequently asked ones.

Most car transporters will try to be flexible and accommodating but your best bet is no less than 3 days and no more than 30.

Most vehicle transporters include some form of insurance or warranty in their basic price but you should inquire about how much it is and if they offer more insurance at a higher price. You may be able to get insurance separately as well.

It varies.

Whilst some car transporters offer to move cars that aren’t running, others do not. Make sure the car transport company you communicate with knows the condition of your vehicle.

Most will, yes, but that might cost extra. You can save money if you are able to bring it to their depot near the “from” and “to” locations.

Yes. In fact, many car transport companies will actually have your car(s) on trailers with up to 8 to 10 other cars for at least part of the way.

Many car carriers do ship motorcycles as well.

Yes. Large cars, trucks and SUV’s will cost more money than a standard mid-size or compact car.

Some SUV’s are so large that they equal the weight and size of two cars!

Many car transport companies will require that either you or someone designated by you be present to go through an inspection and sign-off the vehicles condition.

Transport times can vary depending on distances, specific transport legs, any special requirements you may have and sometimes events that are outside of our control.

When you request a quote online you’ll receive information about approximate transit times. You can also discuss these with the car transport company’s customer services staff.

There is a very good article that unravels the complexities of car shipping timelines and provides you with practical tips and insights to make your car shipping experience a breeze.

Generally yes. You, or someone you trust, should be present at both pickup and delivery of your vehicle.

During pick, a vehicle inspection is carried out and signed and the keys handed over to our driver.

The same will happen on delivery of the vehicle.

It’s generally good for someone to check that inspections are carried out to your satisfaction.

Multiple factors influence the cost of your transport service:

  • Type of vehicle: size and weight
  • Vehicle Condition: operable or inoperable. Inoperable means the car does not start.
  • Type of trailer: open or closed
  • Distance/mileage: the distance between your pickup and delivery locations
  • Location: urban/metro or rural area
  • Modifications: lowered, lifted, larger tires, racks on top, etc.
  • Seasonal fluctuations: seasonal supply and demands change on certain routes

For more information, read How much does it cost to transport a car?

Some car transport companies will permit personal belongings of up to 70kg but all cargo must be secured, below the window level, and in the rear or trunk of the car. There should be nothing behind the driver’s seat.

We recommend you confirm with your car transport company at time of booking to be sure.

At delivery, please inspect your vehicle with the driver to see if any damage occurred during transport.

Please notate all damage on the Vehicle Condition Report before signing for the release of the vehicle.

Ask the driver for a copy of the contract and take pictures on-site of the damage for claim purposes.

Then contact your carrier to get the claim process started.

Please note that any damage to the interior caused by personal items (if permitted) is not generally covered with insurance.

Not necessarily.

When setting up your booking you can designate a pickup and delivery contact for the driver.

Both the pickup and delivery contacts are responsible for signing off on the vehicle condition report.

Bear in mind that you’ll be entering into a legally binding contract with the car transport company, so the contact must be at least 18 years of age.

Please make sure that the exterior of your vehicle is clean for the truck driver to properly inspect the vehicle for pre-existing damages and discrepancies.

Empty out all personal items and make sure that there are not loose parts on the exterior and interior of the vehicle.

Please leave some fuel inside the tank, preferably 1/4 tank.

For more information see Preparing Your Vehicle for Transport.

Many car transport providers are beginning to offer guaranteed pickup and delivery for a fee.

Your should let the car transporter know that you are looking for either a guaranteed pickup or delivery date and they’ll will adjust your price accordingly.

With open transport, your vehicle is transported on an open-air trailer.

Over 95% of vehicles in the auto transport industry get transported via open-air trailer. It is considered very safe and used to transport new vehicles to dealerships.

With an enclosed transport, your vehicle is transported inside of a hard-side or soft-side enclosed trailer.

The vehicle is protected from any outside elements, including dust, weather, and sun exposure.

Enclosed transport is more expensive due to only a small percentage of drivers having this equipment.

Online quotes will generally contain pricing for open carriers so for enclosed transport, you should contact the carrier and ask.

For luxury, exotic or classic cars, we recommend enclosed transport.

Typically enclosed transport is about 40-60% more expensive than open transport.

Less than 3% of carriers in the auto transport industry have enclosed trailers, making them more difficult to schedule and more expensive.

Read more about transporting expensive and prestige cars.

Trucks and carriers travel on highways just like ordinary vehicles and it is not unusual for some of these to be tollways.

It is possible that, your vehicle may pass through a toll charge point while it is in the car carriers care.

Although most unlikely, if you happen to receive advice that your car has passed through a toll charge point while it is in our care – contact your carrier immediately as they should provide you with a refund.